
Monday, June 17, 2013

Training Notes: Pride Cometh Before a Fall

Well I was admittedly riding high after my 275/300, shot on Saturday and after productive blank bale shooting on Sunday I was ready to attack this week's round of practices. I was fully expecting to edge up into the high 280's/low 290's but as you can see from my shot data I took a tumble into the 250's.

I only had time for one round so it is by no means a thorough representation, but it does bring my average score down.

Chief lessons of the day:
  1.  Never get complacent. Past performance is no indication of future success.
  2. A drifting anchor means drifting shots. (My bow shoulder was scrunching, thus shortening my draw length and slowing my clicker... so my anchor started to drift to the right and to the rear to compensate but it only exacerbated the problem as the rearward anchor prevented proper expansion)

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